More and more adults today are seeking orthodontic treatment to improve their smile. We offer a full range of adult braces treatment specifically designed - leaving you with a dramatically different smile and healthier bite.
Orthodontic treatment is not only designed to improve the appearance of your smile, but the health of your teeth and gums as well. By seeking orthodontic treatment as an adult, you can possibly avoid severe tooth decay, gum and bone loss, irregular wear of the tooth enamel and TMJ/TMD pain.
Tollgate Orthodontics offers private treatment areas just for adults or anyone else who needs a calm environment. We want you to be comfortable and relaxed.
If you've never had orthodontic treatment for your smile, come see what we can do for you! A beautiful straight smile can make you look and feel younger. We offer discrete clear braces as well as invisible aligners. If treatment is recommended, Dr. Eves can help you choose the option that best fits your needs and lifestyle. Ask as many questions as you like, preview your simulated treatment outcome and see the actual brackets or aligners in person, all at a complimentary evaluation.
If you've already had orthodontic treatment but have experienced some shifting, we can help. Shift happens! Tollgate Orthodontics offers customized, only-as-many-as-you-need clear aligners to suit whatever stage of shift you currently have. Don't let your earlier investment slip away, get back to the beautiful smile you once had. With a free consultation, why not check out your options?
Don't ever feel it's too late to achieve the smile you have always wanted. Schedule your appointment today.